On-Demand – Reporting Your Provider Relief Funds

With the upcoming reporting periods announced by the Healthcare Reform Act (HCRA) for Provider Relief Fund (PRF) recipients, the time is now to start preparing for your organization’s submission.

Whether you received funds from the general HHS distributions or targeted distributions, there are several areas that require your attention when spending and reporting CARES Act Relief Funds. On July 22, Grassi Healthcare Advisors and professionals from Grassi’s Nonprofit team hosted a live video session discussing:

  • The use of your PRFs
  • The reporting specifics for each category of available funding
  • How to submit your fund reporting
  • Applicable deadlines for your submissions
  • Single Audit requirements
  • Strategies for cash flow management and planning

Access a link to the session recording to ensure you are on the right path to reporting your PRFs.

Air Date: Thursday, July 22
Air Time: 1:00p.m. – 2:00p.m. EDT