Covid Will Cause a ‘Big Rethink’ in University Construction

Experts who spoke on Commercial Observer’s fourth annual Higher Education Construction forum, including Robert Brewer, Grassi’s A&E Practice Leader, said the fallout from the global pandemic will lead universities around the country to evaluate how its spaces are designed and used even more than usual.

One of the issues is going to be simply starting projects. Universities generally have long-term financial plans for construction, but the coronavirus impact has thrown everything up in the air and added another level of uncertainty.

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Robert J. Brewer Robert J. Brewer is a Partner, past Executive Committee Member, and the Architecture & Engineering Practice Leader at Grassi. Rob began his career in 1987 and has extensive experience in tax planning, accounting, estate planning, succession planning, and mergers and acquisitions. Rob’s insight, wisdom and creativity allow him to provide expert business advice to a broad range of industries, including architecture & engineering, construction,... Read full bio