On-Demand Webinar – Storytelling for Nonprofit Success

Storytelling is the lifeblood of nonprofits. Impactful, authentic stories that spotlight those helped and convey profound human change cultivate emotional connections with donors and supporters. Vivid and inspiring stories rally teams around purpose and multiply donations, volunteers, partnerships – lifting the entire nonprofit. Effective storytelling can improve metrics that allow nonprofits to deliver on their promise.

Watch our webinar recording led by nonprofit storytelling experts to learn how impactful narratives can strengthen every aspect of your nonprofit.

You’ll discover:

  • Why donor-centered stories build essential support
  • How personalized stories drive volunteer recruitment/retention
  • Ways employee stories boost internal culture & productivity
  • How community stories create and increase awareness & partnerships
  • Tips for gathering, crafting & sharing authentic stories
  • How storytelling fuels overall nonprofit credibility & growth

Watch this session to gain actionable techniques to harness the motivational power of storytelling across your nonprofit. Hear real examples of how nonprofits of all sizes used stories to:

  • Increase donation revenue
  • Recruit more volunteers, faster
  • Rally employee passion & purpose
  • Expand community outreach