Cannabis ESOPs: Why an ESOP is an Industry Game Changer

On Tuesday, March 12, Grassi’s Cannabis Practice, Dentons and MBO Ventures will host the virtual panel discussion, Cannabis ESOPs: Why an ESOP is an Industry Game Changer.

Business owners who are considering selling their cannabis business should join Grassi moderator, John V. Pellitteri, to understand the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) option, its significant tax advantages, the nuances of navigating an ESOP transaction and the needed approvals by regulators in your state.

This session will include a discussion of how cannabis businesses can:

  • Pay Zero Income Taxes: Uncover the strategies to pay zero income taxes by structuring your cannabis firm as an ESOP.
  • Double/Triple Your Cash Flow: Learn from industry experts how implementing an ESOP can lead to a significant boost in your cash flow.
  • Increase Worker Retention by 300%: Explore the powerful impact of ESOPs on workforce retention, potentially increasing it by up to 300%.
  • Sell Your Firm to Employees: Gain insights into the process of selling your cannabis business to your employees through an ESOP structure, fostering a sense of ownership and commitment.
  • Access Regulatory Guidance: Hear directly from experts on how to collaborate with regulators to ensure seamless ESOP approval in your state.

Register now to learn if an ESOP is the right transition strategy for your business.