Grassi Launches 2021 Nonprofit Leaders Survey

The challenges facing nonprofits during the COVID-19 crisis are well-documented, but the solutions for moving forward are not always so clear. At Grassi, we’re making it our mission to uncover the greatest areas of opportunity and growth for nonprofits as they rebound and rebuild this year.

Our 2021 Nonprofit Leaders Survey is designed to elicit candid feedback from nearly every nonprofit sector and produce meaningful benchmarking data to help your organization measure its progress, identify where it may fall short and plan a more sustainable future.

See how you’re faring compared to your peers in the areas of business continuity, COVID-19 prevention, DEI initiatives, talent retention, board governance and more. Complete our survey today and automatically receive a copy of the results, along with analysis from Grassi’s Nonprofit professionals, who specialize in improving the operational and financial health of organizations like yours.

The survey will take just a few minutes to complete. To thank you for your time, you will have the chance to enter a drawing to win a $200 or $100 Amazon gift card.

This study is being conducted by an independent research firm. All individual responses are confidential, and results will be tabulated and reported in the aggregate.

Thank you for your participation. Together, we can map a course to guide our industry through the crisis and into the future.

David M. Rottkamp David M. Rottkamp, CPA, is an Audit Partner and Nonprofit Practice Leader, at Grassi. David has over 36 years of experience providing audit and advisory services to the not-for-profit and health care industries. David focuses on organizations serving individuals with special needs, religious organizations, educational institutions, membership associations, social service providers, healthcare providers, foundations, and the arts and culture world. David’s technical knowledge allows... Read full bio

Categories: Advisory