On-Demand- Pandemic Relief for Publicly Held Companies

Most of the headlines around the CARES Act, insurance coverage and other COVID-19 relief have focused on small businesses and individuals. But hidden within the tax jargon, policy clauses and legalese are real benefits and strategies for large corporations and publicly held companies.

Get to the bottom of what will matter most to your public company’s recovery, from CARES Act tax incentives to insurance and risk strategies. Advisors from Grassi and Nomadx Solutions presented a live webinar discussing the relief and strategies available to your business, including:

  • Making the most of CARES Act corporate tax incentives
  • Assessing your company’s new risk profile
  • Separating fact from fiction on COVID-19 business interruption claims
  • Mitigating new risk around reopening offices, bankruptcy, acquisitions, cybersecurity and social unrest
  • Planning for disclosures and other considerations in future insurance policies
  • Managing expatriate employees and other workforce issues
  • Understanding the impact on your company’s BEAT tax rate, 163(j) limitation, bonus depreciation, debt covenants and other considerations